Hello! My name is Yas, and I'm an aspiring UX Designer. Since a young age, I have been very passionate about design. I used to create "interactive menus" for DVDs, I would design wallpapers, and take every opportunity I had to design birthday invitations, PowerPoint presentations and whatever I could get my hands on.

Alongside of my passion for design, I have always been very appreciative of a good user experience (regardless of the contexts); but it wasn’t until I started my career as an Interactive Media Developer that I found out about it as a career.

From that moment on I decided that I wanted to create meaningful, engaging, and accessible experiences for users.

During my studies, I had the chance to design websites, applications, and even video games. I also had a throwback on my research background when I started learning about UX/UI which was a moment when my tech/designer present and my psychologist/researcher past came together perfectly. 

Additionally, I'm a natural problem-solver, curious by nature, and deeply compassionate, with a drive to bring empathy into every project I work on.

When I’m not designing, I can be found in the wild playing online video games or at home cuddling with my cat (if she allows it).


Jan 2024 – present

UX Designer (Volunteer) @ GLOCAL

Jul 2022 – May 2023

QA Tester @ Brace Yourself Games

Feb 2022 – May 2022

Graphic Designer @ Self-employed

May 2021 – Aug 2021

Artist/Designer (Capstone Project) @ Three Trees Games

May 2020 – Sep 2021

Web Designer/IT Consultant @ South Island Centre



Software: After Effects, Adobe XD, Figma, Illustrator, InDesign.

Skills: Web Design, UI, Logo Design, Icon Design, Posters, Banners, Brochures.


Qualitative Research: User Research, Information Architecture, Focus Group, Ethnography, Field Studies, Questionnaires, Interviews, Heuristic Evaluation.

  • Quantitative Research: Data Analysis, Data Visualization, Data Management, Surveys, Likert Scale.


  • Usability Testing, User Flows, Prototyping, Sketching, UX Testing, Wireframing.


Blender, Google Suite, InVision, Maya, MS Office, Milanote, Miro, MySQL, Procreate, Slack, Substance Painter, Unity, YouTrack, Visual Studio.

Quality Assurance: Bug Tracking, Test Case Writing and Execution, Localization Testing.